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Through a long life as a manager with many courses and continuing education, I have a varied toolbox to choose from. Here I will briefly describe some of them.

This is how I work

A common process

What do you need and how can we clarify whether we should establish a collaboration? All my task solutions will be tailored to suit the needs of your organization. A process will be co-created with the customer to ensure high quality and the greatest possible sustainable development.


I work in both the private and public market, but primarily have experience from the public sector. For both public and private organisations, it is important to be in constant progress and constant development, as the world around us changes and transforms.


Maybe you know me from other contexts. Perhaps you have looked here on the website. Maybe others have recommended me. In any case, I encourage one or more conversations where we find out together what your situation is and what you might need. On that basis, I will offer what I can suggest. Together we create a dialogue that resembles a clarification of a possible collaboration.


Write - short or long - about your situation, thoughts and wishes in the contact form. Then I will contact you as soon as possible. A collaboration has two sides.

Ope Space Teknolog

Open space technology

We harness the power of a group with many interests and skills and great diversity by choosing Open Space Technology.


We use everyone's contributions and innovative genius. If there is a need for a drastic revision of our operation, the quality must be developed, or there is a crisis in the organization, we can make a strategic plan for its future. A meeting is held around a core question, and then the space is opened for anyone to invite to a dialogue group on a sub-question or topic. People are free to choose which session(s) they most want to attend, giving maximum benefit and engagement for conversation and action.

Flow game

Flow game

The flow game, a dialogue game that helped to find clarity alone and together. It is an interactive reflection, conversation and action – opening space for groups, teams, individuals and families to find the answers they may be seeking.


The flow game appears very simple, but groups are always surprised by how it creates a supportive, challenging and unique opportunity to explore the present or the future in an intuitive and insightful way. Each participant has an important personal or group question that they wish to explore.


Story Telling with shared harvest

After a short check-in in a group of 3-6, a group member is invited to tell a story of development, an episode or a process that has meant something to that person. The others in the group have each drawn a card that indicates a certain angle or approach with which they must listen. When the narrator has finished the story, the others take it in turns to share their "harvest" from the story with the different listening angles.

World café

World Cafe

Small groups (4 or 5 people) talk and reflect together around tables. A larger or smaller cluster of small groups is in conversation about an issue that matters to them or some work they are trying to do together.


After the first conversation, someone stays at the table as 'host', while the others move to a new table, taking their previous conversations with them. The threads are woven together in the various conversations. Everyone gets a sense of what is being discovered and developed between us.

Speed dating
Speed Date.jpg

Speed Dating

Each participant formulates an ultra-short description of his project or work. Everyone gets a scheme and writes their own description at the top. You then have 5 "dates" of 4 minutes. On each date, each person tells 2 minutes. You take quick notes with names and key words from each conversation. Very suitable for a gathering that does not know each other. Suitable before a break, where you can take hold of one of the interesting people and get more details.

Design fo wiser action

Design for Wiser Action

A process that gives practitioners the opportunity to ask for help and the rest of us an opportunity to practice both design and helpfulness. Through diversity of perspectives and working from a clear purpose, the possibilities are created together.

The process enables practitioners to get support and wise advice on the concrete outcomes needed and for participants to put their learning about community-based leadership and its methods to work in practice.

Mind mapping

Mind mapping

The method involves drawing and writing down a central theme and thinking of new and related ideas that radiate from the centre. We focus on key ideas written down in your own words and look for connections between them. In this way, you get a visual overview and mapping that can clarify knowledge and help you better understand and retain information.


Dialogue walk

A walk-and-talk can often become a bit unstructured and with a lack of focus. During a dialogue walk, a group of 4 people goes with specific questions. Each group has a small piece of wood -. a talking piece – and only the person holding it in their hand may speak. The others must only listen. This can be difficult, but contributes to listening with attention and respect. The group can be split into two for a period of time. You can also for a period be divided into individuals who reflect alone.



The circle is the basic shape that underlines all other forms of participatory processes. In any type of organization or group, we meet in circles to plan for the future, deal with crises and listen to each other.


Meeting in circles can be particularly useful when getting to know each other and the topic at hand, or as a means of deep reflection or consensus.

Appreciative inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry – appreciative inquiry

Based on a strong, affirmative question, people interview each other to uncover experiences similar to what we want to create. For example, if the challenge is that teams are not working, we can ask about times when it has worked. Such experiences hold the keys to how we can create the future we want.

Back Casing

Back Casting

A narrative method, where the participants describe a desired future situation through concrete stories about what everyday life, culture and practice are like in the future situation. Subsequently, the development story is told, by taking a position in the future situation and describing the way there backwards. This gives you a good starting point for identifying the first steps to a desired development.

Art of hosting

Type of hosting

Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that evolves from the personal to the systemic through personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and co-creation of innovation to solve complex challenges.

Big Five

Focus on the profile with the Big Five

When you have to strengthen cooperation in a team, when you have to give a new team member a good start and when you have to hire a person, the profile is an important thing to focus on. Different profiles can complement each other and strengthen the quality and breadth of the joint work. Different profiles can also cause difficulties in cooperation if you do not succeed in seeing diversity as a strength.


A test can be extremely valuable both for hiring, new team members and strengthening collaboration in an existing team.


The "Big 5" personality test is also called the five-factor model. In this model, a personality is assessed in five different domains:

  • Need for stability (N) Neuroticism

  • Extroversion (E) Extraversion

  • Openness (O) Openness

  • Agreeableness (A) Agreeableness

  • Conscientiousness (C) Conscientiousnes


The test is carried out online and afterwards I have an interview with the person. The results of the test are subsequently used in candidate selection, team building, etc

What can you use Thorborg Trasformation for?

Through my qualifications, I have a number of services that I can offer.



Søren Thorborg


Contact Information


  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Illustrations and logo: Dragan Andjelic

Films: Peter Engberg

Website: Anne Slott Thorborg

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