Recruitment and onboarding
Find the right profile that complements your team.
The right person for the job
A team or group of colleagues achieves the best results and the greatest job satisfaction if they are put together so that their profiles and way of working complement each other.
That's why it's important not to hire someone who just looks like the others. The team must be given something new. At the same time, there must also be so much in common that the collaboration has a foundation to stand on.
Through a great many employment processes at all levels, I have developed a form where the employment committee or recommendation committee is thorough in your description of the workplace and its values, culture and goals. You must also make it clear which profile you wish to employ.
To put focus on the profile I use personality tests - typically between the first and second interview. A test profile does not provide answers in itself and does not show who to choose. But it provides a number of qualified questions that must be elaborated in an interview in order to gain a deeper knowledge of an applicant.
I can facilitate in the entire employment process or in parts of it. We can decide, that I can contribute with a course with onboarding, because the new colleague goes through a process together with his new business partners.
Focus on the profile
I am certified to use the Big Five test. The applicant completes the test online. Subsequently, I review the test result with the applicant and inquire about the extent to which the applicant can recognize the various parts of the test result. Here we will also touch on the applicant's experience with handling the various features.
Immediately before the second interview, I go through the applicant´s test for the committee and elaborate on essential elements of my interview with the applicant.
In some cases, it can be an advantage for an entire management team to carry out a test, so that it becomes clear which profiles the new colleagues must be part of and supplement.
It can be a great advantage for a new colleague to participate in an onboarding process. In this way, the new person can quickly enter the organization and quickly establish working relationships.
Onboarding can include:
a series of processes where a team carries out discussions and clarifications of values and goals.
a number of very concrete presentations of the tasks of various partners.
a dialogue about personality tests, which the entire team has each completed.
An onboarding process can be carried out in many ways and can be individually adapted.